S1E6 - Question & Response


Questions From the Pew is driven in large part by the listener. The show and its hosts hope to engage with the questions that are weighing on the hearts and minds of people sitting in the pew, Christian or not, so questions and comments are invaluable. Thanks to all the feedback from listeners, this episode takes on a different feel. It’s time to do a bit of housekeeping.

Who are Lucas and Reichert? If you haven’t seen it already, they sometimes look at questions and issues from slightly different angles. What does this mean for the questions asked on the podcast and how they engage with them?

Listeners have asked about how far one can extend the interpretive method talked about in S0E03 The Bible Tells Me So. If historical and cultural context play such an important part in how the Bible is interpreted and applied, how does that affect how we engage with the LGBT+ movement? Are there other things that we should pay attention to when reading and interpreting the different parts of the Bible?

There was a lot of engagement with the previous episode: S1E5 Statements. There are certainly other questions that could have been asked alongside those discussed in the episode. What might a faithful Christian response to and engagement with official statements look like? That episode clearly scratched an itch and we dive a little deeper into the topic. All that and more on this edition of Questions from the Pew.