Hello, faithful listener. We deliberated on whether to post this podcast today given the recent protests sparked by the murder of George Floyd. While we certainly do not want to detract from the much needed attention of the country on police brutality and racial inequality, we decided to continue with our normal posting schedule. While this podcast does not directly confront the issue at hand, we wanted to provide our listeners with content to engage with. Some of our previous episodes deal more directly with race in America. You may want to check out episode 2 of season 0, which is entitled Black Panther, Race in America and the Church. Also, you may find our conversation about the Juneteenth holiday in episode 2 of season 1 relevant for the present moment. We stand in solidarity with our black brothers and sisters and, as is consistent with the biblical voice, will always strive for the vindication of the oppressed. We appreciate you joining with us in that journey. Thanks for listening, And for now, let’s continue on with the conversation.
“Deconstruction” is the religious buzzword for our generation. Statistically, the church in America is on the decline. Scores of young people are abandoning their childhood faith and leaving their local congregations. While many social causes are more supported than ever, it seems odd that a faith built on love for others is left on the cutting room floor. Yet both the church and the Bible are often seen as outdated and irrelevant. Many view Christians as a part of the problem, rather than those leading the charge for justice and right-living in our society.
Perhaps such a faith should be deconstructed, but is that where it ends? Is there a healthy way for Christians to deconstruct the faith system they’ve inherited while maintaining a commitment to its core? Can we reconstruct Christianity for our present moment while honoring the traditions of the past? All that and more on this edition of Questions from the Pew.
Six Reasons Young Christians Leave the Church - Barna
You Lost Me: Why Young Christians Are Leaving Church . . . and Rethinking Faith, by David Kinnaman
Scripture as Communication: Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics, by Jeannine K. Brown