On this episode, we are joined by Dr. Charlie Dates and Dr. Eric Rivera to discuss their approaches to black and brown church traditions. We ask, “How do we cherish our Black/Latin@ heritage in the midst of the ever-popularizing multi-ethnic church movement? How do we continue to build bridges between the black and brown community?” And, they share stories about their own journey of cultural formation as pastors.
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About Our Guests
About Dr. Eric Rivera
Eric is the Lead Pastor at The Brook, a multiethnic church in Chicago. He has a Ph.D. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and is author of “Christ is Yours" (Lexham 2019) and a forthcoming book on how the resurrected Jesus meets us in our mess (Lexham Spring 2022). He married to his best friend Erikah in 2003 and together they are parents to three amazing kids.
About Dr. Charlie Dates
In 2011, at age 30, Dr. Charlie Edward Dates became the youngest Senior Pastor at Chicago's Progressive Baptist Church; a church celebrating a distinctive 100-year history. He earned the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Speech Communication and Rhetoric at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and both the Master of Divinity and PhD at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois.